
Showing posts from March, 2024

Exploring The Wonders Of OTN - Optical Transport Network

With the explosion of digital traffic and the ever-growing array of bandwidth-hungry applications, Optical Transport Network (OTN) evolves from point-to-point DWDM remedies to scalable and robust optical networking applications that cater to a wide variety of client signals with equally-varied service requirements. Carriers are also placing a particular emphasis on OTN in the Metro area, where it is shifted rapidly from SONET/SDH to Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). With the goal of boosting bandwidth and increasing network functionality, OTN provides a way to support different traffic types in a more cost-effective manner than by using SONET/SDH networks. What Is OTN Network? Defined by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), OTN is a digital wrapper technology that provides an efficient and globally accepted way to multiplex different services onto optical light paths. The OTN technology or digital wrapper technology provides a network-wide framework that add...

Optical Transceiver 1310nm fail to transmiss on G.655 optical fiber

  Have you ever encountered the problem that the link cannot be   up when the 1310nm optical module is transmitted on G.655 optical fiber? I encountered this kind of problem recently, and now I want to share it with you . Failure symptom Module : 100G QSFP28 1310nm 80km optical transceiver Switch : Cisco NCS540 Optical fiber type:   G.655, distance 50km Failure symptom:   Transmission link cannot go up. Analysis: 1.Change another switch, the link continues flap 2.Use G.652 optical fiber test in lab, Link works ok. Optical module Tx power and Rx power are in spec. That means optical transceivers performance are ok. 3.DWDM optical modules work well on G.655 link , that means G.655 link no break.   4 . Deduce : The optical module wavelength and fiber type don’t match Root Cause: Optical  modules with a working wavelength of 1310nm cannot use G . 655 optical fiber for long-distance transmission , G.655 Optical cable cutoff wavelength  ≤ 1480nm, work...

WDM Transmission Solution

There are CWDM/DWDM/LWDM always in optical communication industry, Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( WDM ) is a fiber-optic transmission technique that enables the use of multiple light wavelengths (or colors) to send data over the same medium. Two or more wavelengths can travel on one fiber, and several signals can be transmitted in an optical waveguide at differing wavelengths or frequencies on the optical spectrum. Advances in optoelectronic components allowed the design of systems that simultaneously transmitted multiple wavelengths of light over a single fiber, significantly increasing fiber capacity. Then, WDM transmission was applied. Multiple high rate data streams of 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s, 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s and more recently, 400 Gb/s and 800 Gb/s, each carrying distinct throughputs, can be multiplexed over a single fiber. There are three types of WDM defined by ITU-T: Coarse WDM (CWDM): CWDM is defined by WDM systems with fewer than 18 active wavelengths per fiber, from 1270nm t...

5 Concepts Help Easily Get WDM System

The Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) system is a passive, optical solution for increasing the flexibility and capacity of existing fiber lines in high-speed networks. By adding more channels onto available fibers, the WDM System enables greater versatility for data communications in ring, point-to-point, and multi-point topologies for both enterprise and metro applications. Do you know about WDM system? 5 concepts provided in this blog may help you easily get it. Optical Transmission Optical transmission is the conversion of a digital stream of information to light pulses. The light pulses are generated by a laser source (LED or vessel) and transmitted over an optical fiber. The receiver converts the light pulses back to digital information. Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDM is based on the fact that optical fibers can carry more than one wavelength at the same time. The lasers are transmitting the light pulses at different wavelengths that are combined via filters to one sin...

What is ALS function?

Do you know what is ALS function? This article will bring the answer to you. ALS - Automatic Laser Shutdown. To put it simply: if the optical module cannot receive light, it will not emit light. If the optical module can receive light, it will always emit light. Specifically: when the optical fiber is broken and the maintenance personnel are splicing the fiber, ALS is selected, and the optical module emits light intermittently. If the opposite optical module cannot receive light, it will not emit light, thus preventing the optical module from emitting light. It enters people's eyes through optical fibers and accidentally injures the eyes of maintenance personnel. When the optical fiber is successfully spliced, the optical module emits light intermittently. After receiving the optical signal, the opposite optical module emits light regularly, and the link is established. HTF DWDM transmission service boards 400G muxponder, 200G muxponder , 100G transponder, 400G Q-DD OTU, 10G OEO, ...